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Groundswell: Women of Land Art, Ed. Leigh A. Arnold, curator, Pub. Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX & Del Monico Books DAP, New York, 2023.

 Scottsdale Public Art: Permanent Collection, ed. Wendy Rainsanen, Pub. Scottsdale Arts, Arizona, 2023.

"Livable Cities: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" in The Private Eye in Public Art Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz, Pub. ORO Editions, 2023. p. 182-183


"A Family of Italian American Artists" by Jody Pinto in The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia: History, Culture, People, and Ideas. Ed. Andrea  Canepari and Judith Goode. Pub. Temple University Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2021. pg. 234-237. 

“COSMOS: the Art and Science of the Universe”. Ed. Roberto J. M. Olson and J. M. Pasachoff. Pub.Reaktion Books Ltd. P. 204-205

"Ree Morton: The Plant that Heals May Also Poison”. Ed. Kate Kraczon, curator. Pub. Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia. p. 60-61.


"Art in Transit” Pallas Lombardi, Project Manager, Arts-in-Transit. pub.                        Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS).  P. 82-85.

“Off the Wall: American Art to Wear”, ed. Dilys E. Blum, pub. Philadelphia                  Museum of Art and Yale University Press. p. 136 “Hair Shirt”, collection, Phila. Museum, of Art.

“Artpark: 1974 – 1984”, Catalogue/Book, ed. Sandra Q. Firmin. Essays.                   Pub. Princeton Architectural Press. Pp. 20, 21, 52, 53.

“The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawing Collection”,                    Catalogue/Book, Essays. Pub. Museum of Modern Art, NY

“Contemporary Crafts”. Imogen Racz. Pub. Berg, Oxford International                       Publishers, New York. Pp. 108-121.

“Healing Natures, Repairing Relationships: New Perspectives on Restoring               Ecological Spaces and Consciousness”, Robert L. France, pub. Green Frigate Books. P. 149-151.

“The Luther Brady Collection”. Ed. Ann Monahan, Picker Art Gallery,                         Colgate University, Hamilton, NY. p.74.

“Creative Time: the Book”. Pub. Princeton Architectural Press.

“Pattern Language”, essays, Judith Hoos Fox, Robin Givhan, Jeff Weinstein. Pub Tufts Univ. cat.

"Bridgescape, the Art of Designing Bridges”, Frederick Gottemoeller, Pub.JW Wiley

“Artists Proposals”, Charlotte Area Transit System, Middleton-McMillan                     Gallery, Charlotte, NC

“Designing the World’s Best Public Art”, ed. Garrison Roots, Images Pub.                 Group, Australia.

“With a View Toward the Public: Dayton’s Alternative Spaces Program                       1977-1983”, cat. pub. Wright State Univ. Art Galleries, Dayton, OH.

“BIG” Beach Improvement Group Project, cat. pub. City of Santa                                 Monica/Cultural Affairs Division.                                     

“Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2000”, pub. Art Front Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.

“New Land Marks: public art, community, and the meaning of place”, ed.                   Penny Balkin Bach, Editions Ariel, Grayson, Publishing, p. 16,17.

"Landscape Narratives: Design Practices for Telling Stories," Matthew                       Putteiger & Jamie Purinton. Pub. by John Wiley & Sons, p.145, 146.

“The Private Eye in Public Art,” essay by Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz. La                     Salle Partners at Nations Bank Plaza, Charlotte, North Carolina. 

“Drawing: A Contemporary Approach,” Claudia Betti and Teel Sale,                           Harcourt, Brace College Pub.

"The Future of Cities; Landscape and Sculpture," Shoichiro Higuchi,                         Published by Kashima Shuppan, 1996                                           

“Designing Outdoor Sculpture; Today for Tomorrow,” Pub. by Nat’l. Inst. for                 Conservation of  Cultural Property, Wash., D.C. and Smithsonian.


“Sacred Art: of the Earth”, Maureen Korp, Continuum, NY.

“Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975”, Edited by Barbara J. Love.             Pub. Univ. of Illinois Press.

“Landscape Art: World of Environmental Design,”  Pub. by Arco Editorial,                   Barcelona, Spain. p, 152-159.

“Elements of Landscape: World of Environmental Design,” Pub. by Arco                     Editorial, Barcelona, Spain p. 178-183.

“Urban Cities and Sculpture: Park Plaza and City Development in Europe                 and America”, Shoichiro Higuchi. Published by Kashima Shuppan-Kai, Japan.

“Gray World, Green Heart”, Robert L. Thayer, Jr., Published by John Wiley               & Sons, Inc.

“Sculpting with the Environment: A Natural Dialogue”, Edited by Baile                       Oakes. Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold.

“A Concept for Art in the Green Hart”, report, Cultural Council of Southern                Holland, Den Haag, Holland. Edited by van Wesemael & Beijne, p. 36, 37, 41, 52, 53.

“The Once and Future Park”, Essay by Patricia Phillips, Princeton                             Architectural Press. p. 23-29

“Public Artworks: The Arizona Models”, Published by Phoenix Art                               Commission, p. 38, 39, 57.

“Public Art in Philadelphia” Penny Balkin Bach, Book published by Temple                 University Press, pp. 93, 135, 167-69, 256.

“Public Art Proposals”, Catalogue published by the International                                 Contemporary Art Fair, Japan.

“An Industrious Art: Innovation in Pattern & Print at the Fabric Workshop”,                 Edited by Marion Boutlon Stroud, Philadelphia, PA

“Divergent Styles: Contemporary American Drawing”, Essay by Paul                          Cummings, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville.

“Lines of Vision: Drawings by Contemporary Women”, Back Cover, Judy                   Collischan Van Wagner, Cat. in  Spanish/English, Hillwood Art Museum,Long Island University.

“Women in American Sculpture”, Charlotte S. Rubinstein, Pub. G.H. Hall.

“Encyclopedia of Architecture: Public Art”, Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz,

American Institute of Architects, Vol. 4, p. 18, John Wiley & Sons.

“Art of the 80’s”, Chemical Bank Collection, Montclair Art Museum,

Montclair, NJ, p. 62.

“Decade of the 80’s”, John Perrault, Western Carolina University, p. 32.

“Lines of Vision: Drawings by Contemporary Women”, Judy Collischan Van               Wagner, Hudson Hills Press, New York, p.112.

“Sounding The Depths”, Harold B. Nelson, Pub. American Federation of Arts, NY, pp. 77,78,94

“10  x 12: A Decade of Fleisher Artists”, Jody Pinto, Fleisher Art Memorial,               Philadelphia, PA.

“Classical Myth and Imagery in Contemporary Art”, Barbara Matilsky, 

Queens Museum, New York.

“Art For The Public: New Collaborations”, Penny Bach, Pamela Houk.                     Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio, p. 11-12; 40-44.

“New Artists, New Drawings”, Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, CT.

“New Art on Paper”, (The Hunt Manufacturing Collection), Philadelphia                     Museum of Art, p. 44-45.

“Searching Out The Best”, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA.

“Visual Literacy: A Guide To The Visual Arts and Communication”,                             Deborah Curtiss, Prentice-Hall.

“Shaping Space”, Paul Zelanski, Mary Prat Fisher. Pub. Holt, Reinhart, Winston.

“Standing Ground”, Sara Rogers-Lafferty, Contemporary Arts Center,                       Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 62.

“Walk On/ Sit Down/ Go Through”, Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City,

New York.

“Contemporary American Women Sculptors”, Virginia Watson-Jones, Oryx Press.

“Symbolic Expressions: Five Women Artists”, Summit Art Center, New Jersey.

“Art In The Environment”, Ed. Joyce Schwartz, Boca Raton Museum, Florida.

“Body Electric: Four Currents”, Pat Stewart, Temple Gallery, Philadelphia, PA.

“Philadelphia Collects Art Since 1940”, Mark Rosenthal, Ann Percy,

Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA

“1976-1986: Selections From The Edward R. Downe, Jr. Collection”,                           Wellesley College Museum, Wellesley, MA, p. 112.

“Scapes”, University of California, Santa Barbara.

“The Sculptor As Draughtsman”, Paul Cummings, Whitney Museum.

“Overlay”, Lucy Lippard, Pantheon, p. 198-201.

“20th Century American Drawings: The Figure in Context”, Paul         Cummings, Whitney Museum, New York.

“Landmarks”, curator Linda Weintraub, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.

“Sculptural Ideas”, curated by Marsha Moss, Lehigh University Art Galleries, PA. 

“Investigations 9”, I.C.A., Philadelphia, PA.

“Connections”, Janet Kardon, I.C.A., Philadelphia, PA. p.10

“The 1983 Hazlett Memorial Awards Exhibition for the Visual Arts”. Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art. p. 21-28

“Beyond the Monument”, curated by Gary Garrels, MIT Hayden Corridor                   Gallery, Cambridge, MA.

“Form and Function: Proposals for Public Sculpture for Philadelphia”,                         Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and Fairmount Park Art Association,

Philadelphia, PA.

“Agitated Figures”, Richard Flood, Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY.

“Art Materialized: Selections From The Fabric Workshop”, Pub. I.C.I.,                         New York, p. 30.

“Extended Sensibilities...”, Dan Cameron, The New Museum, New York.

“Sculpture Sacramento”, Ed. Jennifer Dowley, Michael Smith, Sacramento                 Metropolitan Arts Comm.,CA.

“In and Out of Kutztown 1974-1981”, Ed. James Carroll, Kutztown State                     College.

“Drawing Acquisitions: 1978-1981”, Whitney Museum, NY.

“Currents: A New Mannerism”, Pub. Jacksonville Art Museum

“Drawings from the Collection of Milton Brutten and Helen Herrick”, William               Patterson College, NJ.

“Architectural Sculpture: Projects”, Louise Louis & Lucy Lippard, LAICA, CA.

“Maximum Coverage: Wearables by Contemporary American Artists”.                     Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

“Drawing: The Pluralist Decade”, Janet Kardon and John Neff,

Venice Biennale Catalogue.

“Tel-Hai 80 Catalogue”, Ed. Amnon Barzel, Israel.

“Drawing: The Pluralist Decade”, I.C.A., Philadelphia, PA.


“Masks, Tents, Vessels, Talisman”, Janet Kardon, I.C.A., Philadelphia, PA,p. 6-20.

“Contemporary Drawings: Philadelphia II”, Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA.

“1979 Biennial Exhibition”, Whitney Museum, New York.

“Material Pleasures/The Fabric Workshop at I.C.A.”, Catalogue by Michael Quigley.

“Excavations and Constructions: Notes for the Body/Land”, Text by Jody Pinto, Marion Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA.


“Dwellings”, Essay by Lucy Lippard, I.C.A., Philadelphia, PA.

“Quintessence”, Text by Jody Pinto, Dayton, OH.


“Philadelphia/Houston Exchange”, I.C.A., Philadelphia, PA.

“Collection In Progress”, Brutton/Herrick, Moore College of Art,Philadelphia,PA, p.16.

“Artpark—The Program in Visual Arts”, ed. Sharon Edelman. Pub. ArtPark, Lewiston, NY. p. 98-99


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